Forensic care
Forensic care
For clients with addiction and/or psychiatric problems come into contact with the criminal justice system, the MHC provides forensic care in close cooperation with the Dutch Caribbean Probation Foundation (SRCN). A forensic case manager supports clients as they strive to refrain from further delinquent behaviour. This may involve clients who are in detention and are preparing for their release, or clients who voluntarily request care or request it at the instruction of the courts (an imposed judicial framework).
Together with the client, the case manager investigates motivation and ways of dealing with problems differently in the future and developing new perspectives, so that delinquent behaviour no longer occurs. For treatment in line with the client’s request for help, the knowledge and expertise of colleagues from the MHC is then called upon. If necessary, other services such as, for example, housing, finance, daytime occupation, education and employment may be involved. Where possible and supportive, important people from the client’s environment are also involved.
The forensic case manager remains the first contact person for the client, overseeing, coordinating and following up through the entire course. In matters of probation, the probation officer and case manager work with the client to prepare a support plan with clear agreements. The forensic case manager also coordinates with other parties, such as in the Safety House, should this be indicated for a smooth process. This means a recovery process in which the client can organise his/her life more satisfactorily without falling back into delinquent behaviour.