

10 January 2025

APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM CHAIRMAN OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD MHC  As of January 1, 2025, Paul Rosenmöller has been appointed as interim chairman of the Supervisory Board of Mental Health Caribbean (MHC). He replaces the members of the Supervisory Board who were in office until the end of 2024. His main task, in addition to supervision,

New Managing Director at Mental Health Caribbean as of November 1st

24 September 2024

New Managing Director at Mental Health Caribbean as of November 1st The supervisory board of Mental Health Caribbean (MHC) has appointed Kathelijne van den Boogert as the new Managing Director. She will start on November 1st, 2024. The first two months will be a transition period with the current Managing Director, Erik Jansen, who will

MHC is here for everyone!

22 June 2023

Bonaire is celebrating its first “Pride” this week from June 21-25, 2023, organized by the EQ Foundation. On our island we are privileged to have a great diversity of people with different cultures, beliefs, color and sexual orientation. Our ambition as MHC is to improve the quality of life of all inhabitants of the Dutch

World Mental Health Day 2022

09 October 2022

On October 10th World Mental Health Day is observed worldwide. This year’s theme is ‘Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority’. Today it is also 12 years ago that Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius became special municipalities of the Netherlands. To be able to make everyone’s mental health a priority, we also need to look at the socio-economic situation of the islands.

Jaarverslag 2021

05 August 2022

In dit jaarverslag nemen wij u, via de verschillende afdelingen, mee in de ontwikkelingen van 2021. Ondanks de pandemie heeft MHC zich verder ontwikkeld en zijn diensten en producten afgestemd op de behoefte van de samenleving. Ter illustratie wil ik hierbij onze nieuwe eerstelijns psychologenpraktijk Resilensia benoemen, die in 2021 haar werkzaamheden is gestart. Ook

10-jarig bestaan vieren!

05 June 2022

Op woensdag 1 juni vierde Mental Health Caribbean (MHC) haar jubileum op feestelijke en informatieve wijze op Bonaire. De hele week stond in het teken van de viering met activiteiten zoals verschillende symposia, teambuildingsactiviteiten, feest en de publieke theatervoorstelling ‘Kibra Silensio’. Ook de collega’s van de bovenwindse eilanden, Saba en St. Eustatius, waren aanwezig om dit met collega’s te vieren.